Gifted Testing will be conducted in February 2025. Students can be nominated for consideration for testing by the parent or guardian. The deadline for nomination is December 6, 2024. Nomination does not guarantee the student will be tested, however. All available data will be studied for each student in the preliminary selection pool by the school’s Gifted Eligibility Team. The team will make the decision to move forward with formal testing or stop the process. For more information, or to nominate a student for consideration, please contact Mrs. Heidi Welch, Gifted Coordinator, at (912) 384-3187 by December 6, 2024. Nominations for testing must be in writing.
School Announcements
Eastside School Events Calendar for Parents
See upcoming events on the school's Events Calendar for Parents on our school website below!
Welcome to Our School!
Instruction begins at 7:30. Please make sure your Eagle gets to school on time! Students arriving tardy must be walked into the school by an adult to be signed in.
School Visitors
School visitors must present a valid, government issued picture ID upon arrival. This is required to sign your child out for any reason, to visit the school nurse, or for scheduled meetings with school staff.
School Events
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